Sleep is simply defined as a period of rest, during which there is reduced sensory activity, and voluntary muscle movement and where we are under a state of altered consciousness. Sleep consists of 2 phases or states,
Getting enough sleep is important as this is the phase during which our body and mind are in a state of recuperation and recovery thereby improving and reducing the fatigue in the cells and tissues. An average adult requires a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep and that among children below the age of 15 is an average of 10 hours. The body follows a fixed or scheduled rhythm called circadian rhythm that enables one’s body to automatically regulate the sleep and wake cycles. It is important to note that sleep is in close sync with one’s mental health, as sleep improves neuro-cognitive and cardio-vascular functions thereby ensuring a balance to the fast-tracked lifestyle of today’s world.
There are certain disorders associated with sleep, let us have a look at some in brief and how we can overcome it.
These are common lifestyle disorders related to sleep, but we also come across cases like restless leg syndrome, Sleep paralysis and narcolepsy (Hypersomnia) coupled with periodic limb movement disorders that are more serious where the patient requires proper treatment and are continuously observed by the physicians and doctors. Both these cases are increasing in US and India with very less diagnoses being done. Managing distress, and physical stress and enabling a relaxing and calm environment before sleeping helps overcome most of the issues associated with sleep.
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